Introduction to Permaculture

  • Origin & Philosophy

    -Origin story


    -Examples of Permaculture in Action

    -Reliable resources for further information

  • Ethics & Principles

    -Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share

    -Holmgren’s 12 Principles

    -Mollison’s Principles

    -Closed-loop manufacturing strategies

  • Zones & Patterns

    -Introduction to zones

    -Visible patterns in nature [form follows function]

    -Tools & methods for interpreting & applying zones & patterns

  • Climates & Microclimates

    -Characteristics of regional climates

    -The global climate system

    -Biomes & biodiversity

    -Designing for microclimates

  • Our Local Ecosystem

    -Reading the landscape

    -Understanding our specific ecology and natural history

    -Plant communities

    -4 seasonal in-person walks

Community Building

  • Design for Invisible Structures

    -Why community matters

    -Applying design methods and permaculture principles to social permaculture

    -Types of and importance of invisible structures

  • Design for Intentional Communities

    -What are intentional communities

    -What are Ecovillages

    -Common challenges, effective communication and power dynamics

    -Design elements: invisible structures, third places, inclusive design

  • Permaculture Scene

    -Local, regional & global networks & organizations

    -Permablitz, gorilla permaculture

    -Localvores and the decentralization our food systems

    -Common mistakes

    -Permaculture professions

  • Economic Systems

    -Types of capital

    -Household & community economies

    -Degenerative, generative, & regenerative assets

    -Alternative currencies, bartering, & community lending

    -Right livelihood

  • Access to Land

    -Types of land access

    -Strategies in community organizing and development

    -Use of commons, landless movements & strategies

    -Ethics of land care

    -Issues of land use

Edible Landscapes

  • Design Process - Part I

    -Whole systems thinking

    -Data gathering & assessment

    -Client interview; goal statements

    -Analytical methods: site analysis, elevations, slope & orientation; needs-&-yields, limiting factors

    -Mapping concepts, conceptual design, bubble diagram & flow charts

  • Design Process - Part II

    -Scale Of Permanence

    -Graphical representation, presentation skills, documentation

    -Considerations & techniques for urban, suburban & rural projects

    -Be able to identify & prevent potential site problems through good design

    -Increase resilience by knowing how to prepare for emergencies & disasters

  • Forests & Cultivated Ecologies - Part I

    -Tree placement & role of forests

    -Guilds & polyculture

    -Agroforestry, tree crops, multifunctional hedgerows

    -Plant selection & identification

    -Plant physiology & propagation

  • Forests & Cultivated Ecologies - Part II

    -Seed saving & exchange

    -Designing vegetable gardens & edible landscapes

    -Integrated Pest Management

    -Season extension: cloches, hoop houses, greenhouses, & other techniques

  • Earthworks

    -Keyline design, construction of swales & important tools

    -Design & construction of earthen dams & rain gardens

    -Appropriate planning parameters & seasonality

Homesteading 101

  • Animals & Aquaculture

    -Designs that integrate plants & animals (alley cropping, rotational grazing, etc.)

    -Roles & habitats of livestock

    -General husbandry, breeds, social constructs

    -Aquatic ecology: trophic food web, limiting factors, & design criteria

    -Chinampas & other cultivated aquatic ecosystems

    -Aquaponics; species choices

  • Soils

    -Soil biology

    -Soil food web

    -The rock cycle

    -Soil texture, structure, classification, & testing

    -Fertility management & soil repair

  • Water

    -The hydrologic cycle


    -Water’s functions

    -Water harvesting & storage in built containers, in ponds & ground

  • Waste & Bioremediation

    -Conservation & recycling of materials in households & society

    -Reclamation & re-use of grey water & blackwater

    -Hygienic capture, treatment, & cycling of human waste

  • Appropriate Technology

    -Passive solar heating, rocket stoves, solar mass systems

    -Natural building techniques

    -Energy uses, efficiency, & retrofits

    -Holmgren’s Future Scenarios: relation of energy & technology to social structure

    -Examples, sources, & importance of appropriate tools

    -Energy sources & energy-conserving technologies

    -Renewable energy generation: solar, wind, hydro